Monday, January 10, 2011

Calculus- Find the Work Required To Remove Water From a Container Example 2

If you have not looked at example 1 please do so before continuing.

In this example a spherical container of radius 10 that rests on the ground, is filled with water.
Compute the work required to remove all the water through the top of the spherical container. 

Using the same equation as in example 1, we solve for x^2 using the familiar Pythagorean Theorum, and then simply substitute values to find the equation of for integration.

Because the water is exiting from the top the distance it must travel is 20-y.   The reason it is 20-y and not just 20, is because each layer is not being moved a distance of 20. In other words, the distance gets shorter for each successive layer.

Double Click on Image To Zoom.
Post any questions in the comments. 

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